December 3, 2020   Site News

We know it’s taken a while to get up and running but OhLinds is finally here! Over the past couple of weeks, well in fact months, we have been working tirelessly to catch up for lost time. Firstly, a huge thank you to Insomniac Wonderland for this amazing header. It really reflects the time of year and put’s you in the mood for the upcoming year doesn’t it?

As some of you may know, the site used to be called Lindsay Lohan Daily. I used to run the Oh Linds website back when it was on Fan Fusion and I decided to resurrect the site name again. But moving onwards and upwards, we’re here once more and we have a fantastic host that we would recommend to anyone who is thinking of starting their own fansite. The gallery has once again received a huge injection of files and the biggest Lindsay gallery online continues to grow at a rapid pace. Including with the new name, we have tons of several new photos added to the gallery. We now host well over 66k photos of Lindsay in High Quality but compressed now file wise. In addition, we have all of 2005 appearances added to the gallery which is something new! On behalf of Oh Linds we hope that you stop by daily and that you will help us become the best source for all your Lindsay Lohan needs. Thanks so much for stopping by!